Ministry Updates for Kids, Teens, and Families
June 9 - Youth Ministry Fire Pit
All teens in Middle School and High School are WELCOME!
Bring a camp chair, a snack to share or game to play, and a stick for roasting marshmallows. :)
OLV Soccer for ages 4-14 years old, Registration is open!
Practices start in August, and Games run September through November.
OLV Soccer Website
Will there be Religious Ed Next Year?
Stay connected to get updates about tentative plans for next year's Religious Ed - please register children for 2024-25.
OLV Faith Formation
Registration Form Online
June 30 - Blessing of Graduates
All Youth and their families are invited to join us to bless the High School seniors at 10:30 AM mass ... followed by a Pizza and Ice Cream reception.
(tentative) June 15 - OLV Parish is invited to visit the Oblate Sisters of Mount Providence at their Mother House
... come see the Order Founded by Venerable Mother Mary Lange, right in our neighborhood!
Stay tuned for more details to come!
July 7-9 - OLV Parish Mission
Save the dates and watch for updates about our plans for a Parish Mission for all ages this summer with
Enkindle Catholic Family Ministries!
Looking for even more ways to grow in faith?
St. Mark's parish in Catonsville is hosting a youth event on Thursday, May 30 from 7-9 for outdoor adoration, worship music and more...
is a Summer Camp for ages 4-12 years old, located at St. Agnes Church (5422 Old Frederick Rd.)
Camp Carlo Website
CampCarlo 2024 Flyer.pdf
Sent by
Cassandra Palmer
on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 1:17PM